Gavin Porter

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Lead artist: Gavin Porter
Venue partner: The Riverfront, Newport

Gavin lives in Cardiff. Gavin is Creative Associate at National Theatre Wales, leading one of the company's most significant initiatives, The Big Democracy Project. Gavin has worked in various freelance roles, including as an Engagement Artist and theatre director. In the past, he was Digital Research Manager for Welsh National Opera and Company Director at Community Helps Itself, an arts- based social enterprise. As a Father of 3 young boys, Gavin was extremely excited to launch into this project.

Gavin Porter’s Platfform residency at The Riverfront in Newport, began with the exploration of the following theme…

How do you approach Climate Change, Colonialism or Globalisation for a young audience? I feel it’s important to pass on knowledge to our children but at the same time understand and feel the need to protect them hence my dilemma - how much information is too much for children? This is what I would like to explore”



Gavin spent months based at The Riverfront, Newport exploring and developing an idea about theatre for families who have children aged 6+. He explored the theme of climate change and how much we tell/hide from our children.

The sharing which was a rich promenade piece set in The Riverfront’s basement took place in October 2018, and took families on a journey through a myriad of creatures and characters. There was a discussion with the families after the performance unpicking the elements of the piece.